Believing Mind Hypnotherapy Blog
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3 Breathing exercises to help anxiety (How to calm anxiety with your breath)
When I first started taking yoga classes 18 years ago or so (has it been that long?!?) I had a hard time when the instructor would tell us to "connect with the breath". She'd say "inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your chest and belly expand...and then exhale...

How To Stop Negative Self Talk (3 Step Method to Reframe Negative Thoughts)
Do you catch yourself saying negative things to yourself often? "I can't do this" "I'm not good enough” "Nothing I do works" If so, you may be caught in a loop of negative self-talk that’s destroying your confidence and setting yourself up to fail. That’s no way to...

Achieve Goals & Manifest Dreams | Hypnosis Audio | Guided Imagery
This 30-minute guided imagery hypnosis session is designed to help you achieve your goals by wiring your subconscious mind for success! It was recorded live inside my free hypnosis session group. For this session I also created a workbook to help you clarify your...

Deep Relaxation to Relieve Stress and Calm Anxiety | Hypnosis Audio | Guided Imagery
This 30-minute stress relief hypnosis audio session was recorded live inside my free hypnosis session group. It is designed to give you deep relaxation. It will help you unwind, relax, and find peace in the comfort of your own home. Whether you're feeling anxious,...