
Online / Virtual on Zoom

Past Life Regression

Online Sessions


Discover your past lives. Speak to your spirit guides and loved ones. Heal traumas in your current life,  recognize your true self and life’s purpose.

90-Minute Recorded Sessions

Each past life regression session will last approximately 90 minutes. You will receive a personal MP3 recording of your past life session to keep! 

Online / Virtual on Zoom

Past life regression sessions from the comfort of your own home! All you need is a good internet connection, a quiet comfortable space, and access to Zoom.

50% OFF Discount Package (Limited Availabilty!)

Book a package of 3 past life regression sessions and get 50% off! There is very limited availability,  request information here now.

Life-Changing Experience

Past life regressions are life changing and therapeutic for many people. You can discover your true purpose and bring back knowledge that can heal you in your current life.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Dr. Brian Weiss

How online past life regression can help you:

past life relationships


Reveal experiences with others in your past lives, which can give you insight on how to heal painful relationships in your current life with compassion, forgiveness, and a greater understanding.  

past life death would causing illness or pain in current life

Health Issues

Discover the causes of pain and illness in your current life, which may stem from a past life injury or death wound.

fear or phobia from a past life

Fears & Phobias

Discover the cause of fears and phobias from a past life, allowing you to release them and live a more fearless life. 

Habits & Life Patterns

Find root causes in your past lives to negative habits and patterns in your current life, which can allow you to change unhealthy behaviors and live a more abundant and satisfying life.

Achieving Goals

Remember the lessons from past lives, to empower yourself to achieve your goals today. Bring back knowledge and insights that are buried in your subconscious, bringing them to life. 


Spirituality & Purpose

Gain insight into your life’s purpose, along with a profound relationship to your spiritual guides, loved ones, and your unique place in the universe.

Past Life Regression Sessions FAQ

What is past life regression therapy?

Past life regression is based on the premise of reincarnation  (that we have lived before) and can access past life memories stored in the subconscious mind, which can help you in your current life. It is believed that we are beings who have come down to earth into our current bodies to learn and have experiences that will further our journey in the spirit realm. Memories and lessons from your past lives can be accessed when you are in a hypnotic state, guided by an experienced past life regression specialist. Rather than simply recalling memories, past life regression is a therapeutic experience that will give you a deep understanding of your true purpose in life, enriching your relationships, and personal and spiritual development.

What should I expect in a past life regression session? 

Each past life hypnotherapy session lasts approximately 1 1/2 hours (90 minutes). During a past life session, you will spend 30-45 minutes in hypnosis (on average), and the remaining time is spent in discussion. Your first session may last 2 hours, as we will spend time discussing your intention for your past life session and we will thoroughly go over what to expect during hypnosis. I will ask you to set an intention for what you hope to discover or release during your past life session. As this is a therapeutic process, we will discuss how this will positively impact your life. I will then bring you to a state of focused awareness, which we call hyponosis. Your brainwaves will slow down to a lower alpha/theta state, which is very relaxing. This is a state that will feel natural to you, as you experience this altered brain state every single night right before you fall asleep, and again as you are waking up. This is a magic time, during which the critical filter in your mind is relaxed, which allows you greater access to past life memories buried in your subconscious mind. You will get to experience this blissful altered state for an extended period of time, while we explore your past life memories together. As your guide, I will ask you open-ended questions about what you are seeing, smelling, hearing, and feeling, and will help you to connect with your intention. Your session will be recorded, and I will provide you with an MP3 audio recording of your past life session to keep.

Do I need to believe in reincarnation to have a past life regression session?

You don’t need to believe in reincarnation for a past life regression session to be therapeutic. Anything that comes up during your past life regression can help you discover and release repressed emotions in your subconscious. This can dramatically improve your life. 

What type of information comes up in a past life regression session?

Everyone has a unique experience based on how they best perceive information. During a past life regression, you may be able to see scenes of a past life through visualization, almost as if you are watching a movie. You may get a sense of symbols, objects, or landscapes. It’s also possible that you won’t see anything visually, but will feel emotions and intuitively sense your memories, as if you are receiving messages from beyond. It is also possible that you will hear, smell, or feel other sensations that help you to remember your past life. It is common to have more vibrant past life experiences after you have had a few hypnotherapy sessions, as your mind and body take time to get accustomed to the hypnotic state and the process of past life regression. This is why I recommend that you have a bare minimum of three past life regression hypnotherapy sessions, especially if we haven’t worked together in the past.

How will I know that it’s not just my imagination and fantasy during a past life regression session?

It really doesn’t matter whether what comes up in a past life regression session is fantasy or reality. The images and emotions are coming from your subconscious mind, and it is giving you the messages that you need to benefit your conscious outer-awake life.

How does past life regression therapy work?

Memories from your past lives are stored in long term memory banks within your subconscious mind. The history of every life you have lived is stored in records that are accessible during hypnosis. During past life regression therapy, you will begin by consciously focusing on an issue that you want help with. This is because the subconscious mind responds best to words and images that have an “emotional charge”, as you align your conscious desires with your subconscious memories. The past life symbols and images stored in your subconscious mind will be brought into your conscious awareness during the process, which will allow you to utilize them in your current life. This will inspire you to take actions to improve your life, forgive yourself and others, and identify areas of your life that are ready for transformation.

How can past life regression help me?

Past life regression hypnotherapy has many therapeutic benefits. Primarily, by learning about your past lives, you learn where you come from, your path in your current life, and where you are headed. It can give you a profound sense of peace, and may even eliminate a fear of death. You will be able to identify the source of many of your struggles and challenges in your life, and will have a better understanding on how to move past them or heal them. Past life regression hypnotherapy is used to help with relationships, forgiveness, trauma, health issues, pain, illness, injuries, fears, phobias, addictions, negative habits, achieving goals, sparking creativity, sadness, anxiety, grief, spirituality, and finding your purpose. The list is nearly endless on how past life regression can help you!

What if I can’t be hypnotized or don’t see anything during a past life regression session?

Everyone can be hypnotized. If you trust the process, you will have a transformative experience. You might feel your past life it in your body, encounter it like a dream, see it as if on a big movie screen, or simply sense it as a feeling. Even if it feels like fantasy or imagination, it is a valid and meaningful experience. Remember that your past life regressions tend to become more vivid as you repeat the process over the course of several sessions. It may take time for your mind and body to get accustomed to the process, allowing you to bring more information back from your past lives. It is a cumulative experience that continues to build, as if you are putting the pieces of a puzzle together. 

Is an online past life regression session as effective as a session done in person?

There is no difference between how I conduct a past life regression session in-person or online on Zoom. Sessions held online are ideal because you can be in the comfort of your own home. You don’t need to drive anywhere or deal with traffic. It is safe and just as effective as being in the same room together.

How much does an online past life regression session cost?

An online past life regression session is $199. I’m accepting applications for a limited number of clients to get 50% this cost, when you book a package of 3 past life regression sessions. This package includes 3 sessions for a total price of only $299 ($100 per session). This deep discount is available on a first-come-first-serve basis until the limited number of spots on my calendar are filled.


Submit your inquiry for a 50% OFF Past Life Regression Package here now. 


Pam Jones, CHt

Certified Specialist in Past Life Regression Therapy

I’m a Certified Hypnotherapist by the American Hypnosis Association, and an honors graduate of Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, CA, which is an accredited college of hypnotherapy. My interest in Past Life Regression is what compelled me to become a hypnotherapist, and an AHA Certified Specialist in Past Life Regression Therapy. I’m currently continuing my education in Mind Body Psychology, studying transpersonal, humanistic, depth, and positive psychology.




"The magic of past life regression showed up in unexpected ways for me. I had asked Pam if we could bring knowledge back from a past lives. I was told by many mystic people that I was a healer and I had been a healer in many past lives. Yet I knew nothing of it. After a few past life regressions where Pam took me to lives where I was a healer, I was amazed to have seen myself do it, but felt like I had not learned anything from the experience. BUT the magic showed up when I started testing my abilities on my family and friends. I would close my eyes and meditate on them and see and feel things I had never experienced before. I would also do things I hadn’t plan on doing, it just came to me. It’s as if I had downloaded a database of knowledge without my knowing while under hypnosis. I do think there is a force other than me at work here, but I am inclined to think that my past life regressions has something to do with it, it think it gave me confidence and it brought back knowledge. Millions of thanks to you, Pam"

Nathalie H. Malibu, CA

Online / Virtual Past Life Regression Sessions

Discover your past lives

Pam Jones, CHt

Certified Hypnotherapist & Specialist in Past Life Regression Therapy

50% OFF Past Life Regression Packages (LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE)
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